公司具有國家甲級焰火燃放資質(zhì),擁有一批高素質(zhì)的專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人員及高級工程師、高級燃放師。近年來(lái)公司來(lái)斷開(kāi)拓與創(chuàng )新燃放技術(shù),融入更多高科技表演元素,使焰火燃放更具文化創(chuàng )意和內涵在演繹煙花藝術(shù)與傳播煙花文化中走在行業(yè)前列。
The company has national class-A fireworks display qualification and great number of professional skilled technicians, senior engineers and advanced display engineers. In recent years, the company continued to develop the display technique, and incorporated more high-tech elements in performance, giving more cultural creativity and connotation, leading the company walks in the forefront of the interpretation of pyromusical show and propagation of fireworks culture.